Need to verify your carpenter or apprentice is a current member of Carpentry Australia?

Use the Search For A Member tool to access a database of all Carpentry Australia members.

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Viewing All Profiles (Showing 1-100 of 5966 Results)

Member   Member Number Member Status

Aaron Bee

220878 Active

Aaron booth

210426 Active

Aaron Bott


Aaron Cullen

200628 Lapsed

Aaron Daggett

210184 Active

Aaron Didio

200035 Active

Aaron Exton


Aaron Fraser

220907 Active

Aaron Haines

200769 Lapsed

Aaron Huggard

190319 Active

Aaron Lewis

220675 Lapsed

Aaron Lygris

210971 Lapsed

Aaron Moody

150969 Active

Aaron Peoples


Aaron Rouse

160478 Lapsed

Aaron Scott

200674 Lapsed

Aaron Trewavis

210506 Active

Abs Melek

190336 Active

Adam Allen

180639 Active

Adam Bailey

190134 Active

Adam Beauchamp


Adam Bryant

240078 Active

Adam Burks

190826 Active

Adam Edwards

200342 Lapsed

Adam Gibson

200878 Lapsed

Adam Golding

170144 Active

Adam Hoblos


Adam Jiang

200996 Active

Adam McCartney

220068 Lapsed

Adam McKelvie

180291 Active

Adam Peters


Adam Reay

190845 Lapsed

Adam Rollo

210714 Active

Adam Sharpe

190666 Lapsed

Adam Slade

220069 Lapsed

adam spicer

210192 Lapsed

Adam Spinola

200232 Active

Adam Thomson

190726 Active

Adam Thopson

220103 Active

Adis Kaic

210414 Lapsed

Adnan Al Bramawi

210809 Active

Adrian Colaluca

210105 Lapsed

Adrian Gillman

190761 Active

Adrian Rice

190199 Active

Adrian Scattolin

220217 Active

Adrian Scully


Adrian Shaw

220496 Active

Don’t risk it

If your carpenter can’t produce a valid membership card, contact us for a quick membership status check*.

*Where possible, please have the following details ready:
-full name
-business/trading name
-Carpentry Australia member number

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