Marketing Tips for Chippies

As a chippy, whether you’re a sub-contractor or running your own business can be hard work and time consuming. Being on the tools may be the easy part but it’s the other important business elements that can throw you, one such thing is marketing. You know marketing is important but may not know where to start or what sort of costs are involved.

Most chippies have aspirations of one day running their own show.  For some it’s a natural progression but realistically we all have to start somewhere! A great starting point is building a brand for yourself, creating a face for your business and something that represents your values, services, ideas and personality. You want your brand to look professional, genuine and visually appealing so that customers want to use your services.

Whether you’re looking to build a new brand for yourself or give your existing business more of a professional edge, we’ve got some handy marketing tips for you.  We’ve broken it down so it’s easy for you to see what you need, from Weekend Warrior to Subby or Business Owner – read on and see how easy it can be to get your business looking slick!

The Weekend Warrior

You’re employed full time as a chippy but you’re also working for yourself on the weekend or after hours, whether it’s doing a deck for friends or family, or giving one of your tradie mates a chop out when in need.

Marketing Challenges faced by the Weekend Warrior:

  • Separating yourself from the competition,
  • Showing you’re a professional and not another “chippy” cowboy,
  • Getting your name out to new clients,
  • Encouraging your clients to refer you on.

Top Tips for the The Weekend Warrior:

  • Get a professional Logo & Brandfor yourself,
  • Make sure you’ve some Business Cardsto hand out,
  • Show you’re a verified Carpentry Australia member.

Tradie Packs Recommends:

Tradie Pack # 1 – Cost $499.00

A perfect start with the all the basic business essentials.

Professional Logo Design, 250 x Business Cards & Letterhead Setup.

View Tradie Pack #1 online



The Subby

You subby out to regular contractors and are more than capable of running your own show. You balance yourself out with a steady weekly income along with doing your own jobs here and there. You’re starting to establish yourself and want to get out there and grow your own business.

Challenges faced by The Subby:

  • Consistently obtaining new customers,
  • Proving your quality workmanship within the industry.
  • Portraying a professional image to potential customers and contractors.
  • Establishing the foundations for running your own business and jobs full time.

Top Tips for The Subby:

  •    Build a more professional look with your business branding (e.g. business cards, signage, workwear etc.),
  • Fake it till you make it: make your business look bigger than it is! (e.g. personalised web domain / Google apps / invoice templates etc.),
  • Show off your work (e.g. site signage, social media, portfolio etc.),
  • Show you’re a verified Carpentry Australia member.

Tradie Packs Recommends:

Tradie Pack # 2 – Cost $799.00

Professional Logo Design, 500 x Business Cards, Letterhead Setup, Quote & Invoice Templates, Business Domain (), Google Apps for Work (Email Setup) & Website Ready. View Tradie Pack #2 Online

Optional Extras 

  • Social Media Pages (Facebook / Google)
  • Site Signage (Corflute Signs)


Tradie Pack #2

The Business Owner

You now run your own business, you’re wearing all the hats, quoting the bigger jobs and there isn’t enough time in the day!  You know that image is important and you need to stand out, so you’re looking for a complete business package. Clients with these projects are looking for a point of reference and you need to be found online.


Challenges faced by The Business Owner:

  • Consistently obtaining new customers,
  •    Having a strong online presence,
  • Making your quoting & invoicing processes easier for you, and giving them a more professional appearance for your clients,
  • Having the business tools to streamline your systems for growth.


Top Tips for The Business Owner:

  • Get a Responsive Website, Google + Page & Social Media Pages,
  • Show off your work (Website, Social Media),
  •    Set up professional Accounting Templates for Xero / MYOB,
  •    Manage Google Apps for Work / Cloud Storage / Multiple Employees / Work Remotely,
  • Show you’re a verified Carpentry Australia member.


Tradie Packs Recommends:

Tradie Pack # 3 or 4 – Cost $1799.00 – $2199.00

Professional Logo Design, 500 x Business Cards, Letterhead Setup, Quote & Invoice Templates, Business Domain (), Google Apps for Work (Email Setup), Responsive Landing Page Website and Social Media Pages.

View Tradie Pack #3 online

Optional Extras

  • Site Signage (Corflute Signs)
  • Vehicle Graphics



Hopefully this has given you some insight into marketing as a chippy. If you’re interested in making your business stand out, contact Brad and the team at Tradie Packs on 1300 657 499 or go to

One last thing… All Carpentry Australia members receive 5% OFF with Tradie Packs – just mention Carpentry Australia or use the discount code ‘CHIPPIE’ if you’re buying online and we’ll sort you out!