Introducing the Timber Framing Collective

Introducing the Timber Framing Collective.

The Timber Framing Collective exists to make sure everyone in our industry feels they have a voice. We engage with the industry to speak with a single, unified voice to communicate the structural, economic, renewable and social benefits of timber framing.

Our mission is to support the entire supply chain by positioning Timber Framing – The Ultimate Renewable™ as the leading building materials brand in Australia for residential construction.

Currently, we are financially supported by Australian sawmills, importers, industry associations, peak industry bodies, building products suppliers and treatment suppliers.

Why do we need a collective?

Australia’s timber framing industry is stronger as a collective.

Together, we must put timber in the frame. Because, if weʼre to have a future on this planet, the world is counting on people like us to help it focus on resources that are renewable, carbon neutral, non-toxic, recyclable and natural. Itʼs our duty to create more forests, not more carbon-dioxide.

A timber frame is the backbone of a home. And weʼre the backbone of the timber framing industry – here to provide strength and support when itʼs needed most.

Putting timber in the frame.

Timber is in the DNA of Australian homes. It’s a living reminder of the connection we feel to the world around us and the duty we have to help preserve it for future generations. Timber framing is strong, versatile and, most importantly of all, endlessly renewable.

The Timber Framing Collective exists to make sure those messages are heard loud and clear.

Find out more on the new website