Helping Hands Celebration – Connecting our community

In a world often characterised by the pursuit of individual success, it’s occasions like the Helping Hand Celebration that demonstrate the power of our community. With 52 number of carpenters, tradies and suppliers generously donating their time and materials, we were able to renovate 89 year old (and 45 year strong volunteer of St Vincent de Paul) Noreen’s home – to the tune of more than $100,000.

Last Thursday, 11th April, we were joined at Ivanhoe East Bowling Club by these teams, to celebrate the accomplishments and generosity of these volunteers and sponsors – our unsung heroes.

As part of our mission, Carpentry Australia believes it’s our trade, our future. Our policy advisor Jarrod Edwards [ex VBA, ex WorkSafe] shared wisdom on empowering carpenters to build a better industry. On what we’re not doing, Edwards says “we need to rely on practitioners who understand what quality work is, what the standards are and call each other out. We need to be holding each other accountable. By doing this, we reduce external impact like – for example – mums and dads going to Building Disputes Victoria.’ It’s a sentiment we echo, and with our soon-to-be launched members’ portal set to be an industry first, we were thrilled to hear from Butterfly director Darryl Dillon-Shallard on this technological approach to streamlining industry pathways, procedures and connectivity.



Taking a holistic approach to success, also means tackling big issues. One such issue is the mental health of our communities. Lance Picioane [Never Alone Foundation] spoke on the foundations & impact of safe working environments for individuals and teams. “You’re 2.5x more likely to die of suicide in construction than in any other industry, with thousands more that think about it. We are working with Carpentry Australia to create better access and support – so that you don’t get lost in the system.”

‘The vision for CA is carpentry-centric, but also to build a better Australia. We are creating these platforms to get immediate results for you and for industry. Our role is to feed you the right info at the right time. And to connect you into these things that are happening. It’s not necessarily big business all the time – it’s to help us to connect you and for you to connect to us. Then we can take information to government and policy, and move forward together.” Jake McArthur, CEO


Kevin Sheedy delivered a powerful keynote on building and leading high performing teams. He shared that “I’ve found life is about transferring knowledge – what we have learnt, and passing it on. That’s how I learnt to be a better person and felt like I’m growing. If you keep growing, you enjoy your life. I had no idea I was going to live the life I’ve lived.” As a former tradie, father, footballer and coach, Sheedy inspired our attendees to “be the change. It’s people like you who can make them.”

Carpentry Australia were proud to recognise each of the contributors to our helping hand day, with each crew and sponsor receiving an award.

Inspired by Sheedy, our mentor Ashley Belteky and the 15+ apprentices in attendance, we took a moment to celebrate our carpentry heroes of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone who came out to acknowledge the impact of our extended community on building a better Australia.